Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lesson Zero: The Transition

School hasn't technically started yet. I don't move in until September 2nd. Yet I'm already learning something important. 

Because of how late my school starts, I get to see all of my friends file away to school and watch the last twelve years of my life end. When I go to college I will meet new friends and have the time of my life. But for now this sucks. 

It would be one thing if we all left at once. However, I get to watch it all play out. 

This is the first thing my new school has taught me. Things end, and there's nothing we can do about it. We have to take it all in stride. Because when things end, that means something else is beginning. 

And now, back to your regularly scheduled film-related programming.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Nick. This blog is exactly what it sounds like: a weekly update of the things i've learned in film school (or rather, Montclair State University's filmmaking program). I'll post some odd musings, film criticism, essays on film, and some other stuff like baseball, pop culture, soem interesting stuff from around the nets and stuff like that. Sound fun?